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always question authority. make sure they know what they\'re doing.
Relationship Status: Single

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straight heterosexual girl

first let me say i was born in1972(long story) and if you im me and i decline im not avoiding you, its either becouse im busy or im talking with someone else and i dont like to multi chat. i like to give each person my undivided attention,. and somtimes that takes a long time so if you im me and you dont get an answer im probably not at my computer. if i decline im with somone and you ll have to catch me another time. no snub meant.
this site is just fab especialy for all you gothys a perfumery for all of us with a dark bent,garunteed to bring out the vamp in you!

Your Kiss is Green
Your kisses are short and sweet - at least a first.
You tend to be a cautious kisser. You don't want to scare anyone off.
Once you get to know someone, your kisses are daring... and even wild.
No matter what the situation is, you know how to deliver the perfect kiss.

Kissing Type: Varied

People See Your Kisses as: Skillful

You Kiss Best With: A Blue Kisser

Stay away from: A Black Kisser
Your Lucky Love Color is Green
When someone gets to know you, the first thing they notice is your refreshing honesty.
You are real and true to who you are. Of all the colors, you are the most comfortable in your own skin.
And unlike what your color might suggest, you don't have a jealous bone in your body.
Your heart is open, and you give your partner a lot of freedom. Because for you, stifling someone is not love.
Guys Think You're Easy to Be With... But Not Easy
You're definitely a flirt - and a good one.
But you also know that you shouldn't make a move on any cute guy who passes by.
You save your seductive moves for someone who already knows the real you.
That way, your sex appeal is just part of the whole package.
Your Life is 63% Off Track
If you're honest with yourself, you have to admit that you often feel like you're living the wrong life.
It's a pretty easy conclusion to come to - because it seems like not a lot is going right.
Consider finding a life coach or mentor. You need some encouragement in turning your life around.
You May Be a Bit Borderline...
Your mood swings make a roller coaster look tame!
When you're up, you're a little bit crazy...
And when you're down, your whole world is crashing
Scary thing is, these moods can change by the minute!
You Need Some Purple in Your Life
Purple will make you feel ambitious, independent, and creative.
And with a little purple, you will project an aura of individuality.
If you want more extravagance, you've got to get a little purple in your life!

For extra punch: Combine purple with green or orange

The downside of purple: It can evoke sad feelings

The consequences of more purple in your life:

You will feel an increase in your artistic abilities
You will find balance in the most chaotic parts of your life
You will feel calm and will be hard to disturb
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jinxiejae has no special someone.
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beware of anything thats seems to be too cheap to be true.

it hard being yourself when you dont know who that is.
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You Are Psyche!
Eternally in search of purpose and insight.
You're curious and creative with a total sense of wonder.
Totally empathetic, you pick up on other's moods easily.
Just be sure to pamper yourself as well!
You Should Be a Film writer
You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.
You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.
Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.
And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen!
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.
You Are From Jupiter
You are exuberantly curious - and you love to explore newness.
Enthusiastic and optimistic, you get a kick out of stimulating intellectual discussions.
Foreign cultures and languages fascinate you. You love the outdoors, animals, and freedom.
Chances are you tend to exaggerate, so try to keep a lid on that.
If you do, you'll continue to be known for your confidence, generosity, and sense of justice.
What color are you?


Your a very calm person. You almost never show any anger or frustration. You just like to relax and chill. You are a bit shy though.

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Quizzes and Personality Tests
What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]

~*~Result nr 3~*~

Your power is: The ability to fly

Explanation: This powers speaks pretty much for itself. Though you don't need wings for this power,you can fly anyway. Some people may consider it as telekinesis since they can also fly, but you can't make material things move like they can. This ability could be a relaxing activity when you want to get away from everyday troubles. Also it is good when sneaking upon an enemy since it makes no sound. When going over to the "dark side" the power could be used to harrass and break into building through windows etc.
You are quite similar to this power since you like to have your head in the clouds. Supernatural things amuse while ordinary life does not. If your daydreaming has gotten a little too far you might be zooned out all the time, even when you are having a conversation. Your desires and/or goals tend to be unrealistic even if you know those would probably never happen. Travelling is something you would be interested in doing since seeing exotic scenery fits with your fantasies of escaping your plain life. You can also have some creative ability (writer, playing an instrumen etc) that interests you.
Negative aspects: The whole reason you may be escaping life could be fear of being let down by it. So if that would come to happen, and an important dream had been crushed you could get depressed.

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What type of dancer are you? -pictures-

You're a rocker, you don't really dance you just shake your fists and bang your head. You love the sound of drums pounding and guitars strumming. Your scene usually is in the front row at a Joan Jett concert, banging your head and throwing up the devil horns to the crowd! You're a hardcore person and you're totally fierce. You hate posers because they normally cramp your style so you hang out alone at concerts. Moshing is another favorite thing to do along with body surfing, watch out though. It's not about violence it's about the music.
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vid one, my favorite super villan :) vid two a personal valentine to all you wonderful geeks out there. vid 3 tiny plaid ninjas. you heard me, tiny plaid ninjas vid four stanley kubrick, poor guy vid 5- broc lee. vid 6 bad time, vid 7 lejo vid 8 ah family vid 9 red versus green
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punk boots_(win)[V] Punk Boots:: GREENGeo Punk Boots GreenLayer. Spike Belt f.[dv][MH] Coffin Spiked Belt
Havoc GreenGreen Skull ShirtPunk Collar: Female 1Punk Wristbands Punker RJen Black Green
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*Ky* L Punk Bracelet B/W*k* Punk chokerPrettyPunk Green (PB)!H! Black Punk Jeansspacer
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