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Avatar since: 16-07-2008

Age: 33
United States
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Its B e c k y BITCCCCCCH
Relationship Status: Single
Mine interesser
****aboutt ME!!!****
[soooo heree itt isz....]
i am : mackenzieeeee .[not witt all tha e's.]
im knwn as : kenziee or kenzieepooh [ pooh if yu wantt.]
i repp : houstonn texas bbyy 4 lyfee [screwston.]
i love : boysz , southpolee , airrforce1's , rapp , takiinnq picsz , icecreamm , myy bestiiess[imvu ndd reall lifee.] , banqlesz , diiamondsz , necklacesz , spikyy beltsz or wateva x]] , purplee , limee qreen , aquaa bluee , myy ipodd , myy phonee , textinn , shoppnn , qoiin to da beachh , dallass , houstonn , myy famsz , louiisianaa , &&ndd other stufff datt isntt kominq to myy headd yett x] .
i hate : lil waynee [but ii likee sum of hiss muzikk . idntqiveafuqqwatchuthink.] , messyy femaleszz , dramaa [buhh ii do finishh itt =) .] , loudd stuff , desperratee femaleszz , && otha stuff ii kantt thnk off riiqht now .
i say : killinn yu hoeszz . hahahaha . [ jk . ]

****stuff on MY MiND!!!****
stuff ii juss wanna sayy :
Jan. 3, 2009
soo iim juss boredd so i wantedd to typee upp sumtinn . okk soo heress watt i dntt understandd . ii knww itsz a new yearr butt everyy yearr thatt passesz somee peoplee sayy new yearr neww mee or imm qonnaa havee a neww me diis year or wateverr deyy sayy . whyy iss yuu trynaa chanqee sum10 aboutt yourselff every sinqlee yearr ? ii thouqhtt yu were supposedd too be happy witth thee wayy yuu aree . iim nott talknn directlyy aboutt sum1 im justt wonderiinn why sum ppl sayy itt , && summ ppl dntt evenn chanqee . watt are yuu qonna chanqee tha wayy yu actt ? tha wayy yu walkk ? tha wayy yu talkk ? yourr friendds ? whoo yu hanqq withh ? well all off thatt seemsz prettyy fakee to mehh . liiikee i saiid i am nott talkiinn directlyy aboutt any1 . i wass juss curiouss ndd wonderinqq . iff yu are sum1 whooo sayss iss qonnaa chanqee forr a new yearr den leavee me a messaqee telln mehh wat yur qonna chanqee about yourselff =]] kbyee .
Jan 10, 2009
okk soo i qott diss on myy paqee so manyy timess; "LEAVE A MESSAGE". ii even qot stickerss wit thatt on itt too. iff i camee to yo paqee id drop a line orr sumthinn. whyy yu cantt do dat? well i decidedd that iff yu come too my paqee withh a silent visitt[no msq] denn imaa do tha samee to you; imaa come too yo paqee, look @ itt or wateva, && leavee[unless i <3 youu]. datss all i wantdd to say aboutt thatt.


You & Your Last Name HAHA :)
iCocky has no special someone.
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