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Avatar siden 2008-01-24
Age: 32
United States - TX
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"So... I have this little obsession with pin-up girls..."

See My Albums (1)

Zydrate comes in a little glass vial.
And the little glass vial goes into the gun like battery.
And the zydrate gun goes somewhere against your anatomy
And when the gun goes off, it sparks and you're ready for surgery.
GraveRobber <333

Hey there. :D

My name is Kaykay and I'm 18! Yay!
I have a thing for pin-up girls, cursing, black clothes, and jazz.
I'm a very eclectic person and I DO NOT have or need a label of any kind.
I'd love to chat with whoever, but I'm not really into younger guys. They tend to be... annoying. Sorry.
And please don't message me if U TLk LiK dis. Orr iff yewww haveee tooo puttt likee soo mannyy extraa letters likkee ooommggg. Illiteracy is NOT cool.

But anyways, I love to chat and meet new people, and I generally spend way too much time online more than any healthy person should. Music and movies are my life.
The Best:: Repo! The Genetic Opera, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Nacho Libre, Live Free Or Die Hard, The Riddick Trilogy, Labyrinth, ALL of the Star Trek movies, The Fifth Element, Wanted, Hellraiser, But I'm A Cheerleader, Harold And Kumar, Kung Pow: Enter the Fist, Grindhouse, Hostel I&II, Saw I-V, Monty Python And the Holy Grail, American Psycho, Pineapple Express. Just to name a few.

Yea, I'm bi.

I love jazz. It's my soul. I sing it, play it, listen to it, and attempt to write it, but generally fail at that endeavor. Music in all forms is what my whole life is about. I spend probably 5 to 10 hours a day doing it, so it really is my whole life. I listen to just about every genre of music except like death thrash ear busting metal, country, and that ridiculous thing called rap. I love techno, electro pop, indie, rock, some screamo, jazz, showtunes, punk, ska, big band, all that stuff and so much more. Like I said, I'm a very eclectic person.

That's about it for now. Message me for chat or whatever. :D

Lots o' love,
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
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[GW] NightStalker-F[GW] CoquettesTIR&HotDress[m] Black Pin-updYz Dita Suit Black
Black pin up boots[*Amb*] Pin-betty 5xMMK NethersKin * WickedZombie SkinSecret
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