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Avatar siden 2005-11-19
Age: 37
Storbritannien (England)
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"Hi, how are you? Im Wolfax, howd u do?"

See My Albums (1)

About me:

Theres not much really to tell about myself...
Currently designing skins, accessories and pets should be on soon i hope...
I have found something on the internet which "is just like finding Moses's DVD collection"(quote from AVP Movie).
I have been doing reserch into the geometrics of the imvu database(meaning what software they use to design their characters and other things) i have found the coplete libray to the geometrics of imvu objects.
If you don't know what i am on about tele me and i will explain in simpler terms.
Mine venner (6)
Music Video Codes by

My friends are like my guardians.

They will be there for me when i need them i will be there for them.
This is a quote form Final Fantasy X:"I only have as many guardians as there are people i can trust."
I trust all my friends with my life.
Min ønskeliste

My Wishlist

This is the list of things that i would like to have but can't obtain.
I want a T-REX or a VELO, but i cnt afford them....
Yumi Raven Santa HatYumi Persuasion SantaHatYumi Fire Santa HatBone   Bone!Ryu Brows - Persuasion
Enhanced Snow LeopardDalmation?Colorchange Baby DragonDark Blue Shadez (M)spacer
Nye cool personer
My Sandbox
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Contact me please..

Hi there,
these are the many ways that you can contact me or any other person on/in IMVU
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My ranking.

My ranking sucks.
Please dont read
friendly Venner  6
visitors Besøgende  185
kharma Gaver  3
generosity Generøsitet 11

Wolfax1987 has no special someone.
Mine grupper Tjek engang IMVU-grupperne!
Wolfax1987 doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
Tjek engang IMVU-grupperne! Del interesser, resultater, gode råd, sladder, historier, ingenting og alting!
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Hi My Visitors

Hi and thanks to everyone who visits my page.

Hi thanks for visiting my page, still working on it so don't be alarmed or dismayed if it doesnt meet your satisfaction because i still woking on this page. I will talk to you all later.
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