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This is a wall of present and past imvu users or family's or friends of imvu users that are serving time in the military, or have in the past served in the military or if you know someone who gave their life for us in the military send their name here and it will be added to the


- NCPBullet
-82nd Airborne, Fort Bragg
- Harry Dennison
- Rick Parks
- Robert Cyborski
- Donald Cyborski
- Tink4evr46's Uncle
- SGT Will Mock
- Cloud Strife
- PFC Nathan Nemmers
- Bruce Oliver
- xoarmybratox
- JohnRed
- Nicolas Fielders
- Shawn Fielders
- SSG Thomas M Zielinski
- Emmanuel Joseph Vanance
- DareDevil4Life's Dad
- Jeremy Witmer
- BabyDragon25's Grandpa
- BabyDragon25's Coach Husband Craig
- Bill Pohl
- Andrew Fox
- Aaron Cooper
- Todd Cooper
- TSGT Robert C Mitchell Jr
- Simon Hooper
- Stan Matsinger
- Joshua Mangum
- Tano Diaz
- Miguel Montero Morales
- CPL Shane Keating
- Richerd Armstrong
- Charles Kernal
- Greg Booth
- Harvey Flowers
- Rodney Flowers
- Paul Flowers
- Gary Hardcastle
- Bridget Flowers
- Derrik Flowers
- Glady Main
- Voilet Main
- Lalagirl95
- Brian Page
- Robyn Barnes
- SGT Patrick Augustin
- SGT Michael Guttierrez
- SGT Ben
- SGT Avenier
- SGT Stephen Hadley
- John Milbach
- Eugene
- PTO Liz Higgins
- PTO Tony Higgen
- Mitchel Ahrens
- Luckyavatar7's Dad Thomas
- Daniel Dodge
- Josh
- Jana Harrison - LetsTalkSuicide
- James M. Long - ironsoulreaver
- Plloi
- Brock Everts
- Amberlover8
- Tennesseeboy
- ArmyGuy8787 & his Father & Uncle
- SGT Micheal K Oliver
- SpYdArE2W
- Joe8808
- Jeff Ritter
- Sweetnyte's Husband
- DasMadhaus's Dad
- Julio Saldania
- Nyma
- Celticdragon
- Philip Ward Eldred
- David Burns
- HotGurl991's Cousin Jamie
- SGT Claude Richard
- KyotoKyo
- PFC Scott McKinzie
- Jason Bang
- Evan Bang
- SGT Baumgrotz
- Zilosier
- Peregrina52's Brother
- Mel Ridenour
- HeavenKisses' Brother
- Freddie from meangirlforever' family
- Babigrl275's Uncle
- Hotgal715's Uncle
- CPL George L Powell
- PFC McKinzie
- Marty Smith
- Albert Jakubec
- Michael Jakubec
- Mike Jakubec
- Rick Roark
- Albert Roark
- Ed Hendrick
- Alistar Gordan
- LT Colonel Steve Maverick
- Mindfreak236's Great-Great-Great-Uncle
- Nisi2K's Brother
- Nisi2K's Uncle
- Jason Hulse
- Meghan Leone
- SPC Thomas Meadows 19th Engr Bn HSC
- DagLee's Son
- James aka Rieko33
- Alex Masiln
- Joe Ashby
- Laotah
- Riley Austin
- PVT Kyle Leppard
- LCPL Christopher McCrady
- FaerieQueen24
- Markeezyf
- FreddyGirl's Boyfriend
- Ian Martin
- Peter Worden and the 5th mob
- All the Men and Women from Robins Air Force Base
- Jessiah Jameson
- Carmen Sims
- Troy Cooper
- Seth Doherty
- James Thomas
- jeffrey, darkbiitch's brother
- PinkOnix's best friend's bf like a bro to me
- Scott Morrell
- Tibby2077's grandpa
- Mike Mathews
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- FROZNGINGERBREAD's husband WO1 Joe Shafer
- Jasmine224's Brother
- John J. Silva III Desert Storm
- Kyle E. Smith Army National Guard Iraq
- John J. Silva V Army Iraq (2nd T.O.D.)
- Micheal glave
- Amanda Doom
- BigThuggin's Freind
- Private McCabe
- SSG Vincenzo Castiglione avi name tpunksdead
- laurence noffke
- James Silvernale
- Andre Pilgrim
- Ryan S. Alaundrea's Husband
- JockJohnson
- Paul Amick
- Jack Benson
- CPL N.J.Boyes
- Aaron Romaniw
- MissSyd206's Grand Father
- Ssgt Watkins, Anthony 101st airborne rangers 3rd div
- Eric Das
- SneakyWhoami's mate Ray the Staff Sarge
- Justin Carter
- SGT. Albert Boykin
- Hilary Giltons
- James Giltons
- Derek Giltons
- Kelly Giltons
- Brokenhearted1984's Uncle Sgt. Joseph Proctor
- lovelove794's brother
- lovelove794's brother in law
- Captain Eric Cline
- Role710's Aunt
- Role710's Uncle
- Role710's Brother-in-law
- new graduates from Philippine Military Academy
- drewsm14's Dad
- Grannymaw's brother..Martin Bowlin (Viet Nam)
- Rick Wilcox (died in Line of Duty..Viet Nam)
- Grannymaw's nephew..Robert Cantrell..(Irag-twice)
- StarSaffyre's dad, 3 brothers and many uncles
- PFC Shay HHC 3bn 297th inf Alaska National Guard
- midnight394's brother josoph rae fitzgerald jr.
- starrnmoon's ubby, Ben, Alabama National Guard
- STARSx801's husband, SSG Seely...US Army...just returned from his 3rd deployment to Iraq SSG Dalluge, SPC Caplette Purple Heart recipent, SSG Johannson, and all of 2ID HOOAH!
- Foereesta's grandfather, Gunnery Sergeant James Camden
- Ratfinkkk's nephew SSGT Paul Brandon Norris
- Sargent Peter Spolarich of the Air Force
- Lutsypher17's cousin, John Peacock
- jakaren amos marine pvt.1st class
- Cutiewitabooty7's brother Mike
- Russell Calvin Martin
- Benjamin Houdeshell
- Blackfire1234567's uncle Lt.Col Edward hughs
- PVT In The Army' Brian J. Merrifield
- Ernie Vizcarra
- Alexis Morales
- PaytonHottie101's step broter in law Corey
- PaytonHottie101's Great UNcle Milo who died in the military
- Sgt Aaron Byrd (Marine Corp)
- PFC Bo Curtis (Army)
- lillkat42's son LCPL joseph wetherell 1-10 FBTRY deta unit hes a marine in iraq
- LUIS PEREZ (Sgtluis)
- SHAWNND1's father Harold Degner in Vietnam
- SHAWNND1's wife, Odieoh's father Pat Glynn in Operation Desert Storm
- SHAWNND1's wife, uncles in Vietnam
- SHAWNND1's wife, grandfather Neal Hicks in WW 2
- Daniel Harmon
- CPL Lance L Worthey, aka Txmetal
- hinalver's brother died this month in iraq his name was spence lucas he was a mechanic who served australia
- Nighthawk1234 served on the USS George Washington and was in NYC after the towers fell
- Your hero here
- Your hero here
- Your hero here
- Your hero here
- Your hero here

i, lyrics, love, YOU, writing, angels, guitar, music, romance, dreams, eternity, -, Windmaster, Edward, reading, flash, bella, writingsongs, twilight, writinglyrics, flashdrive
Min rang

Il pleut, il pleut,
Je pleure, je pleure,

Il pleut, il pleut,
Je pleure, je pleure,

J'ai peur que je vais roullier ce soir

Il pleut, il pleut,
Je pleure, je pleure,

Il pleut, il pleut,
Je pleure, je pleure,

J'ai peur que mon temps soit expiree,
J'espere que vous viendrez me secher
J'espere que vous pouvez me reperer
J'ai peur que je vais roullier ce soir
Mon coeur,
Changera de l'acier a la poussiere

It rains, it rains
I cry, I cry

It rains, it rains
I cry, I cry

I'm afraid that I'm going to rust tonight

It rains, it rains
I cry, I cry

It rains, it rains
I cry, I cry

I'm afraid that my time has expired,
I hope that you will come dry me,
I hope that you can repair me,
I'm afraid that I'm going to rust tonight
My heart,
Will change from steel to dust

I have nothing left to give
I have found the perfect end
You were made to make it hurt
Disappear into the dirt
Carry me to heaven's arms
Light the way and let me go
Take the time to take my breath
I will end where I began

And I will find the enemy whithin
Because I can feel it crawl beneath my skin

Dear Agony
Just let go of me
Suffer slowly
Is this the way it's got to be?
Dear Agony

Dear Agony
Just let go of me
Suffer slowly
Is this the way it's got to be?
Don't bury me
Faceless enemy
I'm so sorry
Is this the way it's gotta be?
Dear Agony

The lights go out
Let forever
Drag me down
I will fight for one last breath
I will fight until the end

And I will find the enemy within
Because I can feel it crawl beneath my skin

Dear Agony
Just let go of me
Suffer slowly
Is this the way it's got to be?
Don't bury me
Faceless enemy
I'm so sorry
Is this the way it's gotta be?
Dear Agony

Leave me alone
God let me go
I'm blue and cold
Black sky will burn
Love pull me down
Hate lift me up
Just turn around
There's nothing left

Somewhere far beyond this world
I feel nothing anymore

Dear Agony
Just let go of me
Suffer slowly
Is this the way it's got to be?
Don't bury me
Faceless enemy
I'm so sorry
Is this the way it's gotta be?
Dear Agony

I feel nothing anymore

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I see the moon go up and it shines this glory on my face
Relationship Status: Single
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Its funny how you can tell someone ever and over again you arent good enough. But they think they can save you somehow, then you let them down, suddenly they hate you for not being there...When all along you tried to tell them. And again, you become the bad person

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New Majestic Haır !![f5]GIVI sweater boy[f5]sheriff boy[f5]waitressdoll2 furntr[DP] LB's outfit
[DP] Thinner Male -der[DP] Nakie TopBA [Tease.][Limited]BA [My shirt]*D™ CheeHair
*13* anorex Corset thin*D™ Lolita Skin MSB Jeans+LgTop+Belt [dv][dP]Scene. -1-[dP]Scene. -Sideburns-
[dP]Scene. -2-[dP]Scene. -3-`JUNJOU Misaki Hair.[YK] Jess emo white hair`JBF Yunomi 02.

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