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How does my job work you ask? Well, if you are interested, I will tell you. When a dragon's egg is found, or brought by the dragons themselves, it is given to me. Most of the time, these eggs, ranging in size from the egg of a large goose to the size of a great boulder, are brought to me by the parents themselves or by the fairies or elves, but from time to time, someone will bring me an egg that is to be raised for a very special purpose, such as for a rider, or for protection of a land or even of things. Such as treasure, you ask? Sometimes, but usually it is something that would cause great destruction if it were to fall into the wrong or unknowing hands.
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Baby dragons are ready to hatch 3 days after they are laid, but it can sometimes take up to 500 or even 1,000 years for a baby dragon to choose to hatch. But that is only in rare cases and harsh or dire conditions. However, I do my best to try to influence the eggs to hatch only in the spring, so that by the time they are ready to learn to fly, the air currents towards the end of summer will be helpful in their training. How does one coax a dragon to hatch at the right time? I sing to it. It is something the Elves have taught me, though I still haven't completely master it, as, at times, I have several eggs hatch a month too early or a fortnight too late. But it does help greatly.
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Hatching in the spring, means that fledgling season is in the summer. This is when they will learn to hunt and catch food with out killing more than they need to sustain themselves. Dragons can eat plants, vegetables and fruit, but in order to function and grow strong, they must eat meat. Therefore, they are taught to respect the lives that they must take to eat.
At Summer's end, my little ones are usually quite eager to learn to fly. By that time most of them have even been climbing up trees and small cliffs and jumping off to see how well they can glide. This is necessary for their growth, if a dragon learns to fly too late in life, their wings will not be strong enough to lift their body because they have grown too fast. Many of them even learn to fly without hardly out any tutoring, but there are those few who will need guidance and encouragement. Ones who need "hands on" visuals. For these, I will usually sing my spell, sprout wings and fly with them, or allow one of my older dragon wards to do so.
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Once they have learned to fly, the winter and new spring is spent with academics, such as history, courtesies when addressing ones above or lesser than oneself, the ways of nature and many other things. This training is done on an individual basis, as each dragon has a different intellect, just as every human, elf, fairy, knelph, and so on.
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Depending on the bread of dragon, this would be the last of his or her training, as only a few types of dragons breathe fire. Those who do not need training in fire breathing, are honored for their accomplishments in a small ceremony, and then are free to go and use their knowledge and to gain wisdom from experience.
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As I am unable to breathe or create fire, I must rely upon the fire sprites to train my wards in this miraculous art. But it is only when I know that they are fully aware of the dangers of using fire and what fire can do to homes and crops and to the inhabitants of the land, that I take them on a journey to the deep volcanic cavern where their new teachers abide. Training in the use for fire can take a very long time, and some of the dragons aren't even fully developed enough to breathe fire when we get there, but the sprites, are very patient and take them in for as long as it takes. While I must journey back to tend to my newest wards.
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Once the dragons have learned to control their flames, they will return to me for a celebration of their accomplishments and then are free to go where they are called.
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~ And, thus, the cycle of life continues.~

~Creatures of the Wood~

Go to Ttocs' IMVU page Ttocs the Hoodwync homepage
Ttocs~ Half human, half Hoodwync, after his human mother was brutally killed by his own father when he was a baby, he was taken to the lonely stone glades to be raised by the evil Hoodwync king, Thade. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket However, when he was just a young boy, he somehow wandered off and was found by the knelphs, who, like little children, don't really pay attention to who or what you are, if they like you, you're good to them. But the knelphs didn't know what to do with him, since he was too solemn to frolic with them, so they brought him to the fairies and elves for advice. Exactly how long they raised him, it isn't really known, but it was long enough for him to be instilled wi
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The love of my life, who is always supportive of everything I set out to endeavor. The one who I know I can lean on when I am discouraged. The one I know I can come to for help and encouragement dispite how busy he is.
Thank you for always being there, Sweetheart! I am proud to call you Husband! You are the answer to my every wish and prayer! And I am blessed beyond words to call you mine!!!

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"Welcom to the enchanted wood of the lady and her dragons..."

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Welcome all. I see you have found my small and humble abiding place. I trust you did not meet with any dangers on the way? You must needs be careful in these parts. Who am I? Oh, yes, my appologies. My manners are a bit out of practice, as I don't usually have the pleasure of entertaining visitors very often. Please excuse me. I am Sommer. I am a Dragon Nurse, or some call me the dragon mother. I adopt dragon eggs, and see to it that the hatchlings are raised properly and with wisdom and integrity. I was human once, but no more. And I am neither elf, nor fairy. Living so long, caring for the dragons and them, in turn caring for me, has changed me. But I truly love what I do. Do not suppose I am the only one to raises dragons. There are many of us throughout the world. Most of us, however, use our humble magical abilities to remain invisible to the outside world, for fear of being influanced badly. If we become evil, our dragon children become the same. You most likely only hear of the evil dragons, who burn and pilage farms and vilages, and who lie and are decieteful. these are the dragons who were raised by evil dragon nurses, or were not raised by one at all. It is a great responsability, what we do.
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But enough about me.
Let me tell you a little about this place and some things you might see in it. First let me warn you about a few things. You can touch the baby dragons and even hold them, but only if they allow you to, and at your own risk. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
About the other creatures you might come across in this wood... If you ever com across one of these so called gentelmen, I highly recomend you be on your gaurdPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket They are called Hoodwyncs and are best known for convincing you they are the most trustworthy being on earth, but when the situation arises where you would need them most, they will, sometimes quite litteraly, stabb you in the back if it will benifit them in the least! The only one I have every been able to trust is Ttocs, my good friend and helper. He has proven himself many times. But then, he is only half Hoodwync, as you can tell by the specticals he wears. (Hoodwyncs have extremely keen eyesight.)
You may have seen some of these litle guys running about. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket They are Knelphs. They live in the trees, and love to frolic. Aside from being mischievious little buggers, they are not only quite harmless, but very good friends of mine. But watch your belongings. If they like you, they will hide your things in hopes that you will stay longer.
There are also Elves and fairies in these woods, and I am friends with many of the, although we see little of eachother, as I have to be careful how I am influanced. Sometimes even the purest elf can wrongly influence someone without intending to.
But I talk too much. Please explore for yourself, but be careful. And feel free to ask any questions you wish. I will do my best to answer them.
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The Dragon Nurse's Stories


Sommerfugl0405's Written Adventures


Sommerfugl0405's Written Stories

Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
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