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Welcome to my page, you can call me Marz. I'm a creator on IMVU known for mostly kid products, eyebrows, and skins. I also have my own little imvu family and no im not looking to adopt kids so please do not message me asking. I been creating on IMVU since 2009, so i pretty much have a lot of different products in shop. I'm not much into going into public rooms or private rooms so please don't ask me to invite you. I will forget if you try to order something, Its easier if you inbox me so i can look back.

- Check my Instagram for updates maybe even funny photos i post on MrMarz.vu -

Extended New Products Panel generated @ gaf210.imvustylez.net
Mine badges
Få dette badge MrMarz
Få dette badge MrMarz 2
Få dette badge Im a Classic Man
Få dette badge cool story bruh
Få dette badge TheCrew
Få dette badge True Legends
My Recent Visitors (1)

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