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Call me Jam. Just Another Monkey. Jam.
I am female, no matter what others may think I am.
Asexual. I have, in the past, dated. I no longer date and am much happier for it. It is amazing how good you start to feel about yourself when you do not force yourself to do something that you have no interest in.
I can be a bitch, you'll either get over that or you wont.
I'm not as smart as everyone seems to think I am.
I am prone to being a perv.
Don't ask if I remember you. I don't. I am much more memorable to others then they are to me.
Don't be offended if I add you then delete you, if I don't talk to you I don't keep you.
You are not my friend. You are simply someone I have talked to. I'll let you know if that changes.
For the last week I have lived on instant potatoes, Kit Kat bars and Dr. Pepper.
I have a boring page, I know, but I figure if I'm not smart enough/ talented enough to figure out how to make my own Div I really don't deserve one.

JustAnotherMonkey has no special someone.

Larissa is the best friend I have, here and in real
life. That is not an easy thing to be, but some
how she does it. Thank you for putting up with
my absences, my bitchiness and my all around
bad friend behavior.
Je t'aime, mon ami.
Quand chacun part autrement,
je serai toujours ici.
Oliver is my pretty boy. We never get to talk anymore, I blame our jobs. You should really
quit yours ,move here and help me shovel snow
all winter.
Love you, Pretty Boy.

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