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Hey. To start off, my name is JoJo. I took my first breath on August 21, 1992. I am currently 17 years young –if you did the math–. I am a freshy in college –way better than high school by the way–. I live in Chicago. I am 100% Egpytian, 25% Italian, and I guess 5% American since I was born in Chicago. Yes, that’s 130% lol. I look very much like my AVI. I am a very outgoing person. I love going to the movies and hanging out. I like the mall when I’m with my friends and we’re having a good time –I am definitely NOT a shopaholic, I find it pretty boring when I shop too much–. But don’t get me wrong, I do like shopping, just not everyday, there are better things to do than shop, I think. I absotively posilutely LOVE Bath and Body Works, Victoria’s Secret, and GUESS. I actually am sort of a GUESSaholic. 70% of my closet is GUESS lol, maybe more. (HINT: Now you now what to get me for my birthday lol.) Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn are best books and so are their movies lol. NeverShoutNever! is a new band which I am currently into, well my 13 yr old brother got me into it. I like All Time Low, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, and sometimes Miley Cyrus at times. I love sweets. I am a dessert before dinner –skip dinner lmao– kinda girl. I am definitely a CHOCAHOLIC. If you wanna know anything else about me, just hit me up in a mssg. Enjoy. 

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