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Avatar siden 2006-12-13
Age: 50 18+ Age Verified Alder bekræftet
United States - OK
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"Greetings Fellow World Jumper."

See My Albums (1)

my time.

I am currently having personnal problems and will be offline from the internet for an unknown length of time. However, I will be back as soon as the issues are resolved.

Hi there, I'm Bert and I'd like to welcome you into my home. First thing I'd like to point out is that I have two Avi bodies here, one boy and one girl. This is because I'm a Ranma fan and I like to RolePlay.

Druid-1 Claudia-1

I'm a Solitary Wiccan studing the Celtic Druid path. As Wiccans go I'm a fledgling just out of the nest, but I have always walked the path in my life and never understood why until a fellow co-worker pointed it out because she is a Wiccan too.

However, here in this Avi it is mostly about me and very little about RolePlaying, but I can get in the mood sometimes to RP with this Avi. However, I do have other names for RolePlaying Chats, so just ask and I'll get one of them and call you back or I'll post you a message on your homepage with this greeting "Hello Fellow World Jumper.".

I have just recently joined a Furry RP group. I'll think about posting the story and players.

I don't cyber unless I have known you for a while, or unless I'm RolePlaying, but you had better be over 18 if that happens, if I find out later the your not then you will have a karmic spell coming in the spiritual mail. I will chat with anyone and I do visit group chats.

The Anime Music videos will change about the first to the third of each month, just so my homepage does not get stale. If you have a song or anime that you think I should post please feel free to leave a message about it. I'm thinking about posting Anime Series Videos here too, I know the first one....

This home page is still under-construction as I'm still learning to type in HTML format, any help or advise would be listened to and maybe used if I like it. I will consider your opions fully before I use them or not...

And if you even think about begging or sending a chain letter to me, I'll cast a karmic spell on you and hit you with an abuse tag, so....

Mine interesser
anime, dragons, Elves, furry, Pagan, romance, Celtic, pisces, Ragnarok, Japan, Wiccan, horror, sci-fi, D&D, video games, Women, Drama, United States, females, ranma, playstation, adventure, zoids, Role Playing
My Recent Visitors (0)

What dragon species are you?

Wind Dragon
You rule along side the lightning dragon, you co-exist and make a destiny bond. while the lightning dragon manifests the storm you push the power force of the winds to help drive the power into the storm.
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
Mine venner (19)

These are the Dragon Clan Members

Nye cool personer
What kind of God are you?
Favourite Color
You earthly time was spent "Laying" with the daughters of men for hours... and days... and weeks...
Your throne is A great mountain wreathed in silver cloud, attended by angelic beings of light, arced with lightning and bathed in glory
You wear Golden, breathtaking robes, girded in the middle with silver chains
Your Godly superpower is Bolts of crackling lightning from your fingertips and total invincibility
This cool quiz by pelagicboreas - Taken 568 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz
Mine videoer
Mine grupper Tjek engang IMVU-grupperne!
The Sims 2 Club!

1504 indlæg fra 6827 medlemmer
The Ranma 1/2 Group

227 indlæg fra 178 medlemmer
Robotech Protoculture

55 indlæg fra 29 medlemmer
Mine outfits View latest
Mit rum

Min ønskeliste

Final Fantasy XI Character

NAME: Draconic

WORLD: Quetzalcoatl
NATIONALITY: Bastok Rank 1
HOME POINT: Port Bastok

RACE: Hume
PRIMARY JOB: Level 11 Red Mage
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
AGE: 33
HEIGHT: 6 ft. 1 in.
WEIGHT: 245 lbs.

HP = 153
MP = 80

STR = 12
DEX = 12 + 1
VIT = 12 + 2
AGI = 12 - 2
INT = 14
MND = 14
CHR = 12

MAIN = Spatha
SUB = Shell Shield
HEAD = Leather Bandana
NECK = Leather Gorget
EAR 1 =
EAR 2 =
BODY = Bronze Harness
HANDS = Bronze Mittens
RING 1 = Bastok Ring
RING 2 =
LEGS = Leather Trousers
FEET = Leather Highboots

About Draconic:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My Preferred Anime Music Video.

Video: Zoids.
Song: Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boys.
Time: 3 minutes 18 seconds.

My wish List:

Any Weapon Combat[V4NY] LoliRings2 violetExtreme SportsNethermane BundleYing Yang dragons' rug
3DJapan Naginata displayJapanese dango -dumplingBushido Sword display 1Japan Omusubi (riceball)Asian rice and bowl 3
The Evil Ring (Sound)(L)SD~ pentacle RugMackAttk Wiccan Warriorspacerspacer
Min rang

Anime Music Videos

Changed on: 08/24/07

1st Video: Mixed Anime.
Song: Empty by Unloco.
Time: 2 minutes 44 seconds.

friendly Venner  19
visitors Besøgende  464
kharma Gaver  4
generosity Generøsitet 154

Kontakt mig

Charming Lover Offering Unrestrained Delights

Dreamy Romeo Adeptly Giving Orgasms and Necking

Anime Series Videos

1st Video: Ranma 1/2 - Episode 1.
Time: 23 minutes and 29 seconds.

Ranma 1/2 - Episode List

2nd Video: MAR Heaven - Episode 1 - part 1.
Time: 9 minutes and 26 seconds.

MAR Heaven - Episode 1 - part 2

3rd Video: Macross Zero - Episode 1.
Time: 30 minutes and 41 seconds.

Macross Zero - Episode 2

kontakter besked tilføj kontakt frem blokér
My Aura Color Is!

My aura shines Orange!

CloudDragon's Yahoo HP
My Sandbox

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