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Avatar since: 14-06-2007

Age: 35
United States - CA
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Dnt mEsS wItH D PrInCeSs!!!!

Ok..wEEll....UmMNn..iM sInGlE No mOrE!!HhAahHaAhHa!!iTsS SoOO lNg 4 mE 2 W8 4 mY BeHBeH BuT LuV Is pAtIeNt..i kNOw iM nOt d oNlY 1 SuFfeRiNg..hE SuFfeRs tO..We BoTh fEEl d PEyN..AhE..Ok..HeRE It gOeS..iM 15 yRs oLd oNlY NoT 18..iM fRm d pHiLs.."PROUD 2 ONE!!" aHeHeHe..Im...wEll...UmMn..cUtE?!..hiHIh..oK..I Am WhAt i aM..I WnT aCt lYk sUbOdY ElSe dAT Im NoT.U CnT 4RcE Me..iM RiL I HaVe mY OwN wIlL sO Go F**cK SuMbOdY ElSe lYf!!i hEyT BAcKsTaBbErSW AnD DoSe wHo jUdGe u eVeN If dEyR NoT SuRe dAt iTs tRue..i hEyT DoSe wHo gOsSiPs a lot!!I LyK 2 SInG AnD MoSt oF Da TyM ReAdInG!!iT RoCkS..Im An eMo!!..AiNt iT ObVoIuS?!!!....iM So eMiToNaL AnD ExPrEsFuLl!!..I LuV My bF bRiAn..tHoUgH WeR FaR 2 IcH OdEr cOz hE'S In ToKyO Im In pHiLs..sOo..YeAh..dAmN It!!BuT We cAn Do iT!!..Ok..jUz tIl hErE!!bUh-bYe!!
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