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Avatar siden 2006-01-16
Alder: 51
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"Holy crap..."

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Name:maybe you'll find out...
Birthdate:April 19, 1973
Eye Color:Blue
Hair Color:Blonde
Piercings:not anymore
Tattoos:not yet - still messing with designs.
Overused Phrase:"fuck that shit"...
Food:Beef ribs, General Tso chicken from Spadina Garden, Butter Chicken, homemade burgers.
Candy:more of a chocolate guy than a candy guy...
Number:I'm older than 9, so I don't have a favourite number.
Color:eh, red or navy I guess...
Animal:all of them - picking a favourite would be mean.
Drink:vodka & coke
Alcoholic Drink:oh, uh... I guess I already answered that.
Donut:French Cruller
Letter:what? who wrote this survey?
Body Part on Opposite sex:the parts covered by your underwear.
Pepsi or Coke:Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing:Whatever's closest.
Strawberry or Watermelon:watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea:ice tea
Chocolate or Vanillachocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee:hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug:screw that - let's go for both
Dog or Cat:I have both.
Rap or Punk:punk... But really, heavy metal.
Summer or Winter:Summer - who the hell is gonna pick winter?
Scary Movies or Funny Movies:both
Love or Money:both - again!... eat it, stupid survey.
Bedtime:2 am - 4 am
Most Missed Memory:I dunno - I'm missing it.
Best physical feature:nose, or my butt, or... I dunno - I have a few.
First Thought Waking Up:"I fucking hate waking up"...
Goal for this year:launch my web project...
Best Friends:haha - when you're 32, you don't have best friends anymore, 'cause when you were younger, and you did, you realized it made your other friends feel like shit.
Weakness:girls, shopping
Fears:not being successful
Heritage:english, german
Longest relationship:5 years
Ever Drank:often
Ever Smoked:sometimes: when I'm drinking
Ever "Smoked":tried it, not my poison
Ever been Drunk:hahahahaha!
Ever been beaten up:once - grade 1
Ever beaten someone up:nope.
Ever Shoplifted:yeah - gum from a variety store when I was 9 and chocolate bars when I was 12
Ever Skinny Dipped:not yet
Ever Kissed Opposite sex:is this survey for 5 year olds?
Been Dumped Lately:nope.
Favorite Eye Color:not picky
Favorite Hair Color:not picky
Short or Long:long.
Height:no preference, but height should be proportionate to width.
Looks or Personality:don't sell yourself short - go for both
Hot or Cuteagain - I like 'em multitalented
Drugs and Alcohol:Couldn't hang with a serious drug user, but I could probably handle a heavy drinker.
Muscular or Really Skinny:either
Number of Regrets in the Past:probably lots, but nothing major
What country do you want to Visit:Germany, Italy
How do you want to Die:On a covered raft in the middle of the ocean.
Been to the Mall Lately:Not much of a mall guy, but yeah.
Do you like Thunderstorms:Sure, I guess, but they don't, like, gimme a boner or anything, if that's what you're asking... but I bet you're not.
Get along with your Parents:Eh, we've found a comfortable distance.
Health Freak:Healthy, yes - freak, no.
Do you think you're Attractive:I have a healthy level of self-appreciation, as well as a good dose of self-loathing.
Believe in Yourself:Yes.
Want to go to College:Tried it - fuck college... but YOU should at least go try it out.
Do you Smoke:I already answered this - "sometimes when I drink"...
Do you Drink:holy jesus, again - YES.
Shower Daily:yup - usually for, like, 45 minutes - it's my thinking place.
Been in Love:yes ma'am
Do you Sing:ha - yeah
Want to get Married:already married... but with "freedoms"
Do you want Children:yup
Have your future kids names planned out:no
Age you wanna lose your Virginity:... too late
Hate anyone:every day.
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