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Avatar since: 10-03-2008

Age: 48
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Have you ever felt your soul cry, or sing, Even when splintered, the heart shines, brilliant embers.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
KawaiiNeko "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup." Photobucket IMVUDarkling First off, I am completely out of my mind. I am a Libran Yang Fire Dragon by birth and a child of the skies, this means I'm excentric and out there compared to most and being a fire dragon means I am a dragon doubled, though the libran in me tempers the fiery temper that is common to most fire dragons. I love many things, but having fun and making people laugh and smile is what I love the most. I am just here to have fun but I'm a deadly flirt and sometimes things get taken too seriously and there is very little serious about me heh. I am happily male with a preference for females, which means girls only lol, and only if your openminded and comfortable with the strangeness of me. I'm not gay lolz, nor effeminate, I'm just completely comfortable with my sexuality and both sides of me, my Yin and my Yang. Sian is my inner girl, my heart and soul, and my sexuality and sensuality, she's the part of me that lets me understand the other half. I'm highly empathic, have two cats atm and work in landscaping. Like any dragon I can be a bit arrogant and full of myself...though when called on it I usually submit...I don't like hurting people, it hurts me. If you can get past my eccentricities you might find a friend within me...and dragons are known to make the best of friends. If anything I say comes across as offensive or insulting please call me on it... I rarely censor myself as I am a free human mind with no limitations. Like all of you I am a member of this planet only I don't believe in the borders put in place by others...this is our earth, not yours. Laters, take care and be safe....Sian. FireDragon "Here there be dragons..." DragonBooks Photobucket P.S. The above is a life drawing of myself and a descriptive drawing of my inner girl Sian, my ying and feminine half, always just out of my sight where I can never meet her face too face, just a glimmer in my peripheral view. This was a special gift for me from my talented sister whom I love dearly for all the wierdness in me she's put up with over the years lolz. And yes lolz, I have windows Live, Yahoo & Facebook accounts, and even a webcam and mic and if you get to know me well eneogh I might share them with you, for now there are pics of me, my two cats and my room in my gallery under the album "Bits of the real me", feel free to peruse =^_^= Photobucket Nausicaa "A life is a life regardless of how it comes into being. Even the Heedra. The greatness of a mind is determined by the depth of its suffering. Even the mutant mold had a mind of sorts. Every life form no matter how small, contains the outside universe within its internal universe." Photobucket "I found out why we laugh, we laugh because it hurts, we laugh to make the hurting stop." Michael Valentine Smith, "Stranger in a Strange Land", as written by Robert~A.~Heinlein. DarkWarrior
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Brains&Brawn =^_^= "I shed my tears, and called your name. But noone hears, am I to blame? I lost my love, I lost my heart. My beautiful dove, how can I start, to relive the tale, or get past worry? I'm only male, and I'm truly sorry." Original Poetry, by Sian & Chris Photobucket "Sir, I'm afraid you've gone mad with power." "Of course I have, you ever tried going mad without power, it's boring, noone listens to you."
Min ønskeliste
NausicaaLupinPeace Photobucket
~E- Mystic Hollow BUNDLECrystal Lizards AvatarKA Clothes Rack V2tron av tankCyber Ninja Bundle Blk F
ICO Darth Tera BundleM41A Mecha Assault TankGryphanne Mecha|s| Girly Bow Black[Anry] Tiptap Arm Warmer
| Capricorn>R72< space fighter shipgalactic ships moniterCamo Battle Ship CannonFuturistic Ship Landing
SianDraconis has no special someone.
Photobucket "If I could have anything it would be you, forever, always, I love you, help me spread my wings and soar with me forever into eternity, lets make forever a reality beyond the dream. Fly with me." Photobucket "If you knew how much I loved you, you would run away." Vash SailorPink
Mine interesser
DragonSorrows "Never underestimate the power of the mind, and its ability to cope and adapt to situations of great chaos in brief moments, but like everything made by man there are always the chances for flaws...it would be unsettling to think that we have so little control over whether we live or die in this world. How many people possess the power within an arms length to just push a button and end life...beware my friends, the future is a beautiful mix of chaos, life and love, don't take anything for granted, and enjoy everything you can and every day as if it were your last, cause it really already is. Luffs all, the future is bright only if we make it so, see you on the frontlines in the war of life and death, may chaos rule the worlds forever and take us places we never dreamed." ShirowSpyResize "I walk in faith! The faith that we choose who we want to be and grow into that identity, ugly or beautiful!"
fun, fantasy, love, anime, Life, dragons, Elves, Animation, writing, Libra, cats, music, death, Vampires, girls, demons, science, manga, animals, poetry, Talking, nature, dancing, weapons, cosplay
Mine venner (83)
Photobucket "I have hope for you, even if you have no hope for the world, even if you have no hope for the entire universe, I have hope for you. Even if you take the lives of the living, I won't be afraid, I have hope for you, even if you have no forgiveness, thats okay."
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Photobucket "Our lives are like the wind, or like sounds. We come into being, resonate with each other, then fade away."
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