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Hey I'm Riiskayy, I joined IMVU yonks ago, recently getting back into it, looking for friendship so HMU. I gift people who I think deserve it, so if they've been nice and kind etc. I'm a kind and caring person, if you give me drama I'll just block and delete you, I'm not here to fight a computer screen. I do dabble with developing, I'm yet to update my store so keep your eyes peeled. If you have a personal request feel free to PM me, I may not always be able to fulfil the request but I'll give it a good try.

Been on IMVU for over 10 years on this account, add another 2 from previous account and that's altogether 12 years at IMVU, Granted I have had a break.

Profile picture made by me.

Name: GiGi

Age: 23

Location: United Kingdom

Likes: Photoshop, GTA, Gaming, Role-Play, Overwatch, Rainbow 6 Siege, PuBG, FT13, also love music.

Dislikes: Rude people, trolls, bitchy people.


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