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Keep up with my new products, meshes, craft projects and the likes on my official Facebook page. Feel free to shoot me a message there if you have any special requests and I'll see what I can do!

Want to know more about the girl behind the avatar? Feel free to check out my random musings here in my blog.

Not updated as often as it once was, but you can find an archive of some of my old work and others' work I admire here! Happy browsing!

Interested in buying some of my files? You can find my shop here. Please feel free to request a file for upload here that you find in my shop (no meshes), and I will happily consider it as long as it is one of the items that is 100% my work.

Support banner available here soon. Thank you for your patience!
Thanks for giving me a visit! Please feel free to snag my badge while you are here. As always, thank you for the continued support!
There is very little that doesn't interest me. The day I stop learning is the day I cease to exist. Might as well enjoy the journey in the meantime!

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