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ılı.——Volume——.ılı. : ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ : Min- – – – – – – – – – -●Max ..........(¯`v´¯) ...........`•.¸.•´ .........(●̮̮̃•̃)..(●̮̮̃•̃) ......... /█ �/█ ✍ I am Websurfer � I dont Smoke; I dont Drink... ☪ Late Sleeper ❦ Food Junkie ™A bit Brand Conscious in terms of clothes & bags � Easily Pleased � Music Keeps me going � I am Clumsy sometimes � I am Crazy and a Huge Rebel but in a good way... � Great Friend � Im not choosy with friends, just be urself and that would be more than enough. No need to impress me with all those lies just to get close to me bcoz I appreciate every little thing about everyone. � I love to hang around with people; I'm comfortable with � I value ones inner personality than their cover... � I'm a Peaceful Person, not really into fights but don't push me to my limit � I can be a Total Bitch to people who piss me off but then I have a soft spot that reside within me � I might not show u I care or tell u everything I feel but don't be fooled by the moods I wear...'coz deep inside I really care... :) � I dont like talkin' bout other people. U only 'become my business with you're my Friend ;) � If you're the type of Looser who finds happiness in bringing other's down, hmmm... sad... :(( poor u, seriously! �I'd lyk to think I'm quite brave... for several reasons: 1st, I'm very much willing to make tough decisions. 2nd, I stand for myself and my beliefs. 3rd, I wont compromise what's in my heart. 4th, I won't anyone to step on me. Lastly, I stand up for those I Love. �"I'M NOT PERFECT but just the way I WANT IT.." ----yah...that's me! NO MORE. NO LESS.�(✿◠‿◠) xoxoxfallen ♥
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