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Avatar siden 2006-05-05
Age: 31
United States - MI
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"There\'s beauty in the breakdown."

See My Albums (1)

This Girl Right Here is Lizze~.
I'm crazy.
I'm stubborn.
I can be a bitch. Don't test me, please.
I speak my mind more often than not.
I'm a spur of the moment sort of person.
Some people say I'm too philosophical for my age.
You won't find a single thing from American Eagle or Hollister in my closet.
I don't care what you think of me; I'm my own person, and your approval isn't needed.
You'll either love me, or I'll annoy the shit out of you.
As serious as I may seem, I love to have fun and joke around.
I'm the kind of person who texts someone sitting two feet away from me.
I'm a little more than slightly spastic, and loud.
I tend to switch back and forth between English and Spanish when speaking.
I try not to conform to the 'typical girl' stereotype, but it doesn't always work.
Don't be surprised if I disappear from IMVU for long periods of time. It happens.
I dislike anyone who dislikes me, for the most part.
Hurt me, and I'll promise not to hurt you back.
Give me a challenge and I'll promise you one hell of a fight.
If you say you're sorry, mean it.
If you say you love me, mean it more.
You never know what you have until it's gone.
Everything happens for a reason. ♥


  • Message me to talk. I enjoy having conversations.
  • Give me gifts, if you want to. It's likely that I'll return the favor if I have the credits to do so.
  • Invite me to a chat if I'm online. It's possible that I'll decline, but it's also possible that I'll accept.
  • Add me, if you want. I don't add people who I haven't spoken to before, though, so make sure you send a message or something to that effect before you send the add request.

  • Ask me to give you credits or buy you a gift. I do those things for my friends, but I won't do them if you just ask me about it.
  • Try to guilt me into buying you a gift by saying you have no clothes, or whatever. This won't work, not to mention that it makes me slightly annoyed.
  • Ask me to add you. If you wanna be my friend, send me a request, you lazy bum!
  • Ask me to be your IMVU girlfriend. I don't do online relationships, especially not on IMVU. I'm happy to call you desperate if you flirt with me. (:
  • TALK IN ALL CAPS, use L33T, or use any other sort of chatspeak. Yes, I understand them perfectly; I still prefer plain English.
  • Ask me if I'm scene/emo/whatever else. I find stereotypes stupid and insulting, and I don't use them. I'm me. That's it.
Insult me, and I'll probably insult you back.
Hate me, and I'll probably hate you back.
Bitch at me, and I'll probably bitch back.
Love me, and I'm sure to love you back.
Omfg :)
Aburiee Your are the Besr Thing that Happend to me.You my Best Friend.
Your the Syrup To My Wonderful Waffles
I Would do Anything for you.And if Anyone Hurts you Ill Kick there Sorry Ass.Wow Aburiee Your Amazeing.You Help me in Everything.And ill Be here for you Forever and Always~

ILY <3 ,My Marshmellow

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