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Avatar siden 2007-11-13
Age: 54 18+ Age Verified Alder bekræftet
United States - NV
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"Where am I?"

See My Albums (4)

~~~Join the Revolution with Rebel Weasel on Dragon Radio!!!~~~
~I won't Cyber you.
~If you don't like to read, don't bother with this page.
~If you want to know me, the material is here for people who do like to read. Perusing it might save you lots of embarrassing quiet moments later in a chat :P
~I am an internet radio DJ for Dragon Radio, a new station that plays music for video gamers.
~Yes, I play games. Currently I am playing Portal, Assassin's Creed, LOTRO, Champions, SmallWorlds, and Forbidden Realms. ~No I still won't cyber you refer to my blog for further information.
~I am going through a career change and now enrolled in college for a degree in computer information systems
~know eye wnt siber u (in language you can understand, Moron)
~What knife? Oh, that knife. It protects my virtue. I will cyber-stab you with my cyber-knife if you cyber-touch my cyber-body inappropriately without my permission.
~No Fish
~No Tomatos
~I'm here for reality. I will be real for you. Please be real for me.
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Other
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