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If You Don't Know Who I Am. I'll give you some information(: BUT >_> Don't Go Thinking You Know Everything About Me. I Can Promise You That You Don't Know Any Freaking Thing <_> Favorite Colors? Blue (mostly cause my eyes are blue and stuff), Red, Black, Grey, White, and Purple

Superhero I Like: Mostly Batman >.^

Bands I Like: Black Veil Brides, Marianas Trench, Summer Set, The Wanted, Sleeping With Sirens, Paradise Fears, Mayday Parade, Simple Plan, Skillet, And Many More. I'm Just Lazy To Name Them All xD

I Love To write: Stories, Songs, Poems

What I Value.... I Value Many Things... Like Honesty...(Honesty Is A Biggy With Me)...Erm, I value friendship...I have a few amazing friendship...Erm I don't know what else I value to be honest xD I'll get back to you on that whenever I remember...

I make mistakes alot. I've made choices that I regret most of the time. But, every choice I've made changed me in many different ways. If you have a problem with that then you can just get out of my life now. I really dont need crap_ from you okay? Got it? Good.

I lost many friendship over bullshit_ and if you think I'm going to put up with your bullshit_? Then don't even bother talking to me. I can only take so much in my life now. So listen up. If you even THINK for a freaking SECOND that I'm going to put up with liars, backstabbers or anything like that, then YOU'RE completely insane. I'm not a dumbass_. I already had to deal with shit_ like that and I'm not going to take it anymore. So, don't even bother me if your EVER going to lie to me, backstab me or any shit_ like that. AND one more thing I'm not perfect and neither are you. So I WILL make mistakes and I WILL mispell and shit_ and I WILL do what I WANT! Got it? Good. Now, if you're still reading this then you must for some weird reason like what I have to say. Which is a shocked kinda of. But okay.

I help my friends and people who I'm not so much friends with anymore. I still care bout them in my own way. I will help anyone who wants advice of any sort. Just message me. I can sound like a total bitch_ BUT I care bout people. Hell! If I didn't I wouldn't want to be a psycologist. Which says a lot to be honest. Anyways, usually when i give advice I'm usually right and most the time I am. 'Cause, most of my old friends tell me that they should had listen to me when it came to advice and I just say yeah but, you chose to do what you wanted. Which is true. I can give you shit_ load of advice but what YOU choose to do with that advice is beyond me and it's up to YOU.So, if shit_ blows up in your face and you asked me? Don't even dare blame it on me. TAKE RESPONSIBLITY FOR YOUR FREAKING ACTIONS -.-"!!!

OH. Before I forget. I suport Gay people, Lesbians, and Bisexual people. If you have a problem with that then I don't care. 'Cause I'm me and you're you. So, I don't care who you are. I will NOT go agaisnt what I believe. Not for anyone to be honest.

VIKKEY♥ I love you so much! You've helped me through a lot and your still helping me. I won't ever take you for granted ever again♥ I love you so much!! YOUR BEAUTIFUL♥ GORGEOUS♥ SMART♥ FUNNY AS HELL♥ AMAZING♥ AND SO MUCH MORE♥ ^~^ I love you okay? Can't wait for the UK♥ ^~^
Vikkey, We've known each other for almost 5 or 6 years so far? I don't really know to be honest. It's been a long time and we've had our ups and downs. What friends haven't? We've been in so many drama related bullshit_ but, we're still friends and I'm glad we are, 'cause we planned to move to the UK together in a few years. Hell most of the things that we've already started planning are already coming true which is so funny xDD Omg. I can't wait :3 It's going to be so much fun♥ Anyways, Vikkey, I wanna thank you for many things so get ready to read a shit_ load of stuff♥
Thank you for being there when most of my relationships ended....Thank you for never lying to and always being straight foward with me with everything....Thank you for always telling me when you have a problem with me... Thank you for giving me the best Summer this year. I had a blast talking to you everyday on Skype and being on camera with you. I grown so fond of you that I love you so much. That I never want to lose you...EVER... Your THE BEST sister I've ever had., the greatest best friend (I don't have many to be honest)....Thank you for ALWAYS helping me with all my stupid problems with my family and life it's self....Thank you for not judging me....Thank you for always being here for me when I need someone to be there for me....Thank you for understanding me when most people don't anymore....Thank for always being my shoulder to cry on, for being someone that I can rely on.....Thank you mostly for not giving up on life 'cause Vikkey, without you I would be no one... I truly wouldn't....You made me a better person ever since I've met you.... and I'm glad we met and I'm sorry bout all those stupid fights we had but, hey it made us stronger friends so I'm glad about that. I guess what I'm basically saying is thank you for being you and being alive. I love you so much Vikkey. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING♥

Call Me: "Alice Ariela" or Just "Alice"
Age: N/A
Relationship: Rather Not Say
Orientation: Questioning
Here For: /Friendship/Chatting

Special Someones(: People I Love...and Care For...

Vikkey Cx Your mai sister, You have been for a couple years now. I don't know what I would had done without you all these years. You've helped me so much. I'm glad I have you in mai life. I'm always going to be here for you. You know that. I'm always going to be here for you sis. I love you. Your amazing. You truly are. Your beautiful too. I wish you could see it. One day you will though. I want to see you happy. Not faking it. Really happy. I hope you find it. I hope I'm there to see it too. LOVE YOU SIS♥ 08.15.13 Fake Wifey♥
♥ SAMMIE, I know we haven't known each other long BUT you've listened to me the frist day we met and I did the same to you and that's not usual for me when I met a stranger. But, we got kind of closer and I'm glad we did. I love the fact that I can be weird around you and you won't think I'm some freak. I love you Sammie, and Yes I did claim you when we went I just never told you ^~^♥

People I Drifted Away From But, Care About....

♥Ally, You've been here for me so many times. When I..wanted to end life and everything with it...When I was emotionally confused...When we had so much drama and everything. You helped me with everything and I want you to know that Im here for you whenever you need someone to talk to about anything. Any problems you might have and will face in the future. Im here for you Ally I always have... I love you Ally♥ Sisters for Life.
Anna, I know we drifted and all. I guess it was bound to happen. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you as much but, let's face it. We both changed I guess, I do love you...and I know we made plans to live with each other and all but, I guess it's not going to happen I don't know.. I just... Don't know... Love you...I'm always here for you though okay? Kay<3
♥ZULLY, omg, I know we haven't talked in a while and all BUT whatever. Your amazing ;o and I always feel better when I talk to you...You always know how to say things to make me feel better...Thanks♥ I love you Zully♥
❤❤❤❤❤I'm Alice Ariela From Wonderland, I Am Also, A Mermaid(: Like Ariel.❤❤❤❤❤ Welcome Stalkers Feel Free To Read Below Cx❤❤❤❤❤
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