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And please watch the whole music video below.

A little about the girl behind

Im lone wolf, and like to wear fake nails and hair; and drink red bull everywhere I go. I'm five foot nine inches tall. I have scary long fingers and eyes but, sweet personality. Going to the supermarket excites me. My room and bathroom have to be spotless. I have a brain like no other, I like to feel wonderful. Entering my room is like entering a 1960’s thrift/toy store, and I kind of love it; and I am very much inspired in there. I dress like a dag, and I drink coffee in tea sets constantly. I work my butt off, constantly; I give my all, and nothing short of it. I love wandering through cities, learning, breathing, playing and most of all, laughing. Being sweet is always returned!

Candles, Virgo, RedBull, Nails, Music, Vintage, Floral old patterns, Lingerie, Chanel, Horror flicks, Leopard print, Doing art, Bubble Cup, Make up, Tea, Doll houses, White rice with sugar, Panda Bears, Calligraphy ink, Sketch pads no one can read, Big loud ferocious smiles, Mr Macbook & Mrs Iphone, Long hair, Television on mute all night, XBOX 360, Bubble Baths, Late nights, Fashion, Polaroids, Eating bread, Hello Kityy, Dancing, Photography, Piano, 666, Obsession with Sunglasses, Corn Flakes, Vintage Barbies, Candles, Virgo, RedBull, Nails, Music, Vintage, Floral old patterns, Lingerie, Chanel, Horror flicks, Leopard print, Doing art, Bubble Cup, Make up, Tea, Doll houses, White rice with sugar, Panda Bears, Calligraphy ink, Sketch pads no one can read, Big loud ferocious smiles, Mr Macbook & Mrs Iphone, Long hair, Television on mute all night, XBOX 360, Bubble Baths, Late nights, Fashion, Polaroids, Eating bread, Hello Kityy, Dancing, Photography, Piano, 666, Obsession with Sunglasses, Corn Flakes, Vintage Barbies

Buy my shit.
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I have a brain like no other // I give my all and nothing short of it // I am quite a shy person, so please be gentle.
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C hanel, F aml && F riends, P urple, M e, M oney, H ated && L oved, F ame, D reams, F aith, N ecklaces, H air, P artys, K isses, H ugs, M y diamond && I phone, S leeping, W eird jokes, V neck tops, S hopping, C andy my cat, V egitrian, C artoons && H orror, PTTEI || FTW..

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