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I'm 17 years old, male, and live in California. c: Love you all~ <3 I'm a free runner and I do parkour; I basically love running. Fast. I do Taekwondo as well as Wushu, and I'm a dancer-Hip Hop.(Yeah, its a lot c:) I'm also a major gamer; Mainly on Xbox Live. I mainly play FPS's and have a tendency to get extremely competitive. I'm decent at Call of Duty and Halo, but bring it to TF2, and I'll dominate your whole team. *w* Pro' Scout, at your service. BONK! ;D 'Guess you could call me a Hybrid Geek. I'm athletic but at the same time, drool over technology. My ultimate favorite type of music would have to be Techno and Electro, but I also like Alternative and just about anything that sounds good to me. I love oranges, THEY MAKE ME HAPPY. :3 Can't get enough of that Orange Juice. My favorite color is Green and I love flashy colors~ I'm Uber Happy Hyper and overly excited most of the time but when its necessary, I can get get serious and switch on the intelligence. I'm a big supporter of the Free Hugs Campaign, so feel free to spread the love. <3 I love making new friends, so feel free to hit me up. Follow me into a public room, I love being stalked. Lets hug it out, 'kay? C: _________________________________________________________________________ I set my sail~ Fly the wind it will take me~ Back to my home, sweet home Photobucket
'Panda, she's one of my closest friends and means so much to me. She's one of a kind. Panda's just one of the funnest people to talk to, and is just so silly sometimes. <3 Our conversations always make me smiley everyday. :3 DOUBLE RAINBOW ALL THE WAY, ACROSS THE SKY~ So dun' mess with her ;o 'Cuz she's my Fufe < 3 < 3 < 3
:D Love you Eric~ <3'>MmMmm~Whatcha Say~ One of my closest and bestest friends~ <3 I found him as a newbie and raised him like a little brother :'D And now we're Pro together. SO PRO, THAT WE MAKE OTHER PEOPLE JEALOUS! >:D Love you Eric~ <3
Kibbles/Kibs/Kibble Bits/Kibby/Kiba/Scotty is one of the coolest and sexiest people you'll ever meet. :D We has' sexy fun time, yes? ;D BEAM US UP SCOTTY! Microsoft Forever
Lie on my back, clouds are making way for me~ I'm coming home, sweet home~ Photobucket
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